Strength Foundation

We partner with purpose-driven and innovative teams to establish and steward a foundation of strength. Our Strength Foundation is an initial 6-month venture designed to lay the groundwork for a strengths-centered culture within your organization.

Our Strength Foundation includes three primary layers: Team Grounding Journey, Management Expedition, and Team Strength Cultivation Sessions.

Layer One

Team Grounding

  • Individual Grounding Journeys. All team members to complete our interactive Grounding Journey at their own pace (with team deadline). The primary goal of this learning is to build individual strength awareness and language to share them in connection and collaboration. Every team member will receive a personalized Power & Fuel Grid to support this goal.

  • Team Grounding Event. All team members gather together for a special team-building event to learn, connect, and build collective strength awareness. At the conclusion of this event, your unique Team Strength Ecosystem will be generated and shared to support ongoing team strength awareness.

Learn about the heart of our work

Our framework bridges physics with positive psychology — connecting human strength with natural intelligence in the workplace and beyond. With work claiming so much of our lives, we believe it’s the best place to revolutionize our experience in ways that matter to our happiness, fulfillment, and survival.

Layer Two

Management Expedition

  • Leadership Training. All leaders, managers, and supervisors to complete a Management Expedition. This program prepares leaders to lead through their strength (supporting wellbeing) while managing the strength surrounding them.

  • Team Strength Focus. Through identifying unique opportunities and challenges for collective strength, together Canon and the leadership team determine the focus and priorities for organizational coaching.

Layer Three

Strength Cultivation Series

  • Team Strength Cultivation. All team members to participate in Team Strength Cultivation, team coaching sessions customized to support your unique Team Strength Ecosystem. Generally, organizational “tensions” such as time, change, complexity, and interpersonal dynamics are explored through a strengths lens.

  • Sustaining the flow of strengths at work. Once your organization’s Team Strength Ecosystem is created, we are here to support the stewardship of the human strengths in your care. We offer ongoing coaching, strength-onboarding, exit interviews, and special team retreats and events.