Leadership Expedition

Our Leadership Expedition is a training program designed to transform outdated management strategies and foster a strength-centered revolution at work.

In 2024, many estimates show that more than half the global workforce is at risk of burnout — which impacts leaders and managers more than anyone. In this program, you will gain perspective and tools for leading through your strength to sustain wellbeing and success for yourself and your team. Our Leadership Expedition is both a stand-alone management training and the second layer in building a Strength Foundation.

Course Learnings

Design & Curate Team Strength

Celebrate Team Strength & Ingenuity

Stimulate Innovation & Creativity

Strengthen Wellbeing & Empowerment

Support Collaboration & Interdependence

Program Outline

  1. Introduction — Overview, Connection & Roadmap

  2. Management — History, Science & Evolution

  3. Culture — Context, Challenge & Insight

  4. Leadership — Strength-Based, Dynamic & Innovative

  5. Wellbeing — Wholistic, Radical & Strategic

  6. Strengths MasterclassCliftonStrengths Training

Six 90-min Sessions

Outcomes & Intentions

  • Develop personal strategies for leading through change and uncertainty

  • Boost organizational effectiveness, wellbeing, and success

  • Stimulate world-changing innovation and creativity

  • Change the world through the power of relationship

  • Lead through your natural strength and energy

  • Fuel, support, and direct individual and collective genius

  • Promote self- and interpersonal trust required to confidently embrace change

  • Balance tension between internal needs and external demands

  • Navigate dynamic workflows with greater confidence

  • Understand cultural influences that may uniquely impact your team

  • Steer clear of burnout and its recurring threat