Spark Session

The Spark Session is the catalyzing element within our Grounding Journey.

There is no existing mould for your strength. No one else in the world has your subset of strength and the experiences that have borne and refined them. No one else brings the contribution that you do to your environments. These sessions are designed to explore your highly unique subset of CliftonStrengths and the conditions that activate them.

All Spark Sessions conducted via Zoom.


  • We believe human ingenuity cannot be contained. Our approach does not put anyone into a box — in fact, the opposite. We like to support removing boxes from your world.

  • We believe that some convergence of our natural strengths point to our greatest contribution to the world. This work can remain very practical in your day-to-day — and it can get deep!

  • We believe embracing your unique subset of strength (with intention, attention, and kindness) will generate life within, around, and through you.


  • Strength Grounding. Build confidence in your natural strength and contribution.

  • Language Building. Develop highly individualized ways of advocating for strength’s fuel.

  • Confident Navigating. Allow natural strength to inform best design for them to move.

Grounding Journey

Our flagship interactive online course includes three Spark Sessions — allowing for full exploration of your natural strengths combined with self-guided lessons and exercises to adopt our nature-inspired approach to cultivating them.

Strength Exploration

Exploring strength gives access to language…

  • to the ways of being and thinking likely held since childhood.

  • to the threads running throughout life, work, and activities.

  • to the distinct knowing in our experience that may be hard to assign words to.

With access to this language, we can…

  • grow confidence in what fuels strength and be empowered to claim it.

  • become the master and director of strength and contribution, creating conditions for success

  • harness and direct instincts with purpose and intention

With a grounded connection to our strength, we can…

  • recognize our strengths’ freedom and building strategies for encountering resistance.

  • identify openings and opportunities for a greater movement in strength​.

  • reflect on bigger picture alignment of strength within their environments.

If we further explore together we’ll be able to…

Design for flow

Become the director of your strength and share it in ways that sustain wellbeing and success.

Process burnout

Reimagine and heal from the pains of burnout and reconnect to your natural strength.

Inspire vision

Investigate the convergence of your unique strengths and explore future possibilities.


  • This survey contains 177 questions with a 5-point scale to determine your relationship to “this or that” with a 20-second response timer. We recommend that you complete in an environment free of distraction. It takes anywhere from 25-45 minutes to complete.

    Please note the timer can be removed for accessibility.

  • In most situations, your original report is the most accurate. Gallup has ample research to show that our strengths remain consistent over time. In certain situations, as in a significant life event or a distracted response environment, retaking the survey could be beneficial. If you’d like to discuss prior, please contact us.

  • These one-hour 1:1 sessions are conducted via Zoom. You will receive two introductory videos to watch and encourage you to make note of any questions to bring to our live session.

    During these sessions, information is displayed regarding each CliftonStrength via screen share. These verbal and visual prompts spark conversation surrounding your relationship to the information. Our Strength Guides are trained to openly explore interactions between your strengths. The substance of these sessions are fully confidential and not shared with anyone in your team or organization.

    Check out our testimonials or join us for Live Strength Exploration & Inquiry to catch a glimpse.